A sermon from Matthew 2:1-18: A Visit by the Magi - We have come to worship Him
A look at the people in the event
1. Jesus – promised child
2. Mary – treasured these things
3. Herod – power hungry child killer
4. The people of Jerusalem – afraid
5. Chief priests & scribes – knowledge without interest
6. The Magi – foreigners come to worship.
A Sermon about Eldership
What is an Elder?
Elders in every church
Qualities for Eldership:
1) Character;
2) Abilities;
3) Servant-Hearted
Servant Leadership
God's Work
Church Rules
A message from Romans 12:13 : Sharing and Hospitality
1. Make sharing a priority
2. Showing hospitality
A sermon from Romans 12:12: Faithful in Prayer
1. Why Pray?
2. Faithful or Persistent
.. 1. Dependence/Submission
.. 2. Constantly/Frequently
.. 3. Not giving up
A Sermon from Romans 12:12: Thoughts on Suffering
1. Why discuss Suffering
2. Some causes of Suffering
3. Perseverance in Suffering
Rejoice in Hope