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Recorded Messages

AUDIO messages on this site are freely available for your benefit and enjoyment, so that you might grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

VIDEO recordings of services are available on YouTube on the Stanthorpe Presbyterian Church YouTube channel (Opens a new window or tab). These service videos include the messages given.

AUDIO messages on this site are freely available.

VIDEO recordings are available on the Stanthorpe Presbyterian Church YouTube channel (Opens a new window or tab).

Message List

The Flourishing Life (1): Matthew Part 2, Dangerous Life

The Flourishing Life (1): Study 04 in Part 2 (Dangerous Life), a 7-part series planned for the gospel of Matthew

Jesus paints the first three of six visceral examples for the flourishing life that His followers will live out together in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Righteous Life: Matthew Part 2, Dangerous Life

The Righteous Life: Study 03 in Part 2 (Dangerous Life), a 7-part series planned for the gospel of Matthew

Jesus provokes His own people, teaching a heavenly, flourishing, whole-of-life righteousness that fulfils the law of Moses.

The Beautiful Life: Matthew Part 2, Dangerous Life

The Beautiful Life: Study 02 in Part 2 (Dangerous Life), a 7-part series planned for the gospel of Matthew

Jesus opens his teaching on the mount describing the ‘beautiful’ life of the ideal Israelite living in exile and how those following Him will be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Called Life: Matthew Part 2, Dangerous Life

The Called Life: Study 01 in Part 2 (Dangerous Life), a 7-part series planned for the gospel of Matthew

In the most famous sermon in history, Jesus goes up a mountain, like Moses, calling a new Israel out of exile, teaching us how to live his dangerous life together, for God’s coming Kingdom of Heaven.

Forgive Them: Luke 23
Passage: Luke 23:1-27
Duration: 24:35

Forgive them; They do not know what they are doing

A message about the amazing grace of God the Heavenly Father shown in His desire to save and forgive guilty sinners even though it needed the sacrificial death of Jesus.

Life in Christ Jesus: John 1
Duration: 26:03

Life in Christ Jesus: John 1


‘That you might have life in the [pre-existent Christ’s] name’ John 20:31.

Developing the theme:

  • The human struggle with mortality and meaning versus God’s purposes for humankind through Jesus Christ, His Son.
  • Jesus’ birth life, death and resurrection form the hinge and measuring for human history.
  • Why did John write his unique gospel account? Jn. 20:30-31 says so ‘That you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and by believing you may have life in His name’.
  • John’s Prologue establishes a beginning to the universe - in line with modern scientific thought, though it’s a created, not evolutionary universe. He also establishes that Jesus was the pre-existent Creator while also the Emmanuel born 2000 years ago.
  • Jesus as the Word/Logos - shows us a picture of ‘God in action’.
  • John 1 Parallels the Creation account in Genesis 1 which John recounts as being integral to Jesus as the Word.


Jesus said ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’ 14:6 and in following Jesus we are welcomed into fellowship and eternity with the Godhead through the Holy Spirit.

Revelation 1:1-7
Duration: 19:48

A bible message from the NT book of Revelation


  1. Jesus is Victorious
  2. Satan will be Defeated
  3. Jesus will overcome all evil
The Place We Find God: Exodus, Study 12
Series: Exodus
Duration: 35:07

The Place We Find God: Study 12 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

As Exodus closes, the journey home for God’s people has only just begun with God insisting that no matter where his people are, he will be with them.

The Tabernacle is:

  1. The Place God dwells by his Spirit
  2. The Place we learn how to approach God
  3. The Place we meet God
  4. The Place we worship God
  5. The Place our sins against God are removed: Through sacrifice, and atonement
  6. The Place we go to learn how to be loved by God
  7. The Place we learn to love God
God's Dangerous Deliverer: Exodus, Study 11
Series: Exodus
Duration: 41:52

God's Dangerous Deliverer: Study 11 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

Despite Israel's evil rebellion, Moses intercedes on behalf of God's people to remind God of who God is.

  1. Exodus 32:1 - 34:9
Living In God's Love: Exodus, Study 10
Series: Exodus
Duration: 36:54

Living in God's Love: Study 10 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

As God’s chosen people, we enjoy our special relationship by celebrating his deliverance and holy love by joining him in a day of rest.

  1. Mark 2:23-27
  2. Exodus 23:10-19
  3. Exodus 31:12-18
  4. Exodus 35:1-3
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