A Christmas Day message of God's saving grace.
Study 9 in a 9-part Series on the 1st Letter to Timothy.
God's Contented Household
Our ‘loves’ make a huge difference in God’s household: The love of wealth will use God to get money, kill your contentment and you. But the love of God will use money to build for eternity.
Study 8 in a 9-part Series on the 1st Letter to Timothy.
God’s Honouring Household
God's Household is to honour everyone: from widows to elders and slaves to masters – as we all seek to honour God amidst the sin that entangles our lives.
Study 7 in a 9-part Series on the 1st Letter to Timothy.
God’s Healthy Household
God's household grows 'fit' with a healthy trainer putting it on a nourishing diet, and who trains himself in godliness as a model to the whole household – since spiritual training has eternal value.
Study 6 in a 9-part Series on the 1st Letter to Timothy.
Living in God’s Household
As true believers, we are sons and daughters of the living God. Living in His household is founded on the truth of the birth, death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus.
Study 5 in a 9-part Series on the 1st Letter to Timothy.
Leading in God’s Household
A leader in God's household is someone who by faith is addressing their sin, which is displayed in their character.
Study 4 in a 9-part Series on the 1st Letter to Timothy.
God's Saving Household
Roles for men and women in God's household are (controversially) different, because of God's design to serve God's desire to save (which is even more controversial!)
Study 3 in a 9-part Series on the 1st Letter to Timothy.
God's Peaceful Household
God has made peace with us through Jesus Christ, and in his peaceful household we are all called to fight well, to live peaceably together.
Study 2 in a 9-part Series on the 1st Letter to Timothy.
Household Ministry
Ministry in God's household springs from faith and repentance, revealing our sin and rebellion – so we need God’s gospel to be at work on our hearts.
Study 1 in a 9-part Series on the 1st Letter to Timothy.
Our New Household
In a world of fake news and contested truths, where people think the church is the last place we could belong, Christ Jesus is our only hope and His church is our only foundation for true Christian community.