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2022 Messages

Single Messages

Single Messages

Dec 2017 - Jan 2025

A collection of messages presented between message series and on special occasions e.g. Winter and Summer breaks, Easter and Christmas.

Sermons in this Series
Christmas Day Service 2022
Duration: 12:07
The message given on Christmas Day 2022
The importance of names in general and the supreme importance and significance of the name of Jesus the Christ.
"Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
Now is the Hour: 2 Peter 2:1-9
Duration: 27:19
A message from 2 Peter 2:1-9: Now is the Hour
The real danger the church is facing: Heads not Hearts
Peter is appealing to our memories/minds to live fruitful lives becoming mature believers.
David and Solomon - Humility & Obedience
Duration: 32:14
Comparing aspects of the lives of King David and King Solomon that indicate their levels of Humility and Obedience: Keys of being used by God. Are we obedient to God's requirements?
2Peter 2: False Prophets
Duration: 25:12
A talk about the characteristics of false prophets in order to identify them, and a warning about believing them.
What is God Like?
An answer to the question "What is Good like?" based on Jesus own statement: I am gentle and lowly.
Eldership in the Church - 1Timothy
Duration: 27:47
Eldership in the Presbyterian Church
A message about the roles and responsibilities of elders in a local Presbyterian Church.
Obadiah 1: A warning about disregarding God
Duration: 28:37
The unknown prophet Obadiah issues a brief but powerful warning message to the Edomites, and to us, about treating God as irrelevant.
Faith - Living or Dead: James 2:14-26
Passage: James 2:14-26
Duration: 34:59
Finding out what James is Saying about Living and Dead Faith
Seven Sayings of Jesus from the Cross
Duration: 19:14
Reflections on Seven Sayings of Jesus from the Cross
Readings from:
  • Luke 23:33-35
  • Luke 23:35-43
  • John 19:25-27
  • Mark15:33-35
  • John 19:28-30
  • Luke 23:46-48