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2023 Messages

Divine Revealer

Divine Revealer

Apr 2021 - Jul 2021
Welcome to the 'Divine Revealer' series from John’s gospel, Chapters 10-21.

We pray we’d all be growing together in Christ Jesus, as we all learn together from ‘The Divine Revealer – the Revealing Jesus, Revealing Us’.

The associated Study Booklet includes 9 episodes from our journey through John’s gospel. Each episode has a ‘big idea’ – our summary of the main point the passage is teaching. We’ve also come up with a big idea for term 2: ‘As the hour of Jesus’ glory arrives in John’s gospel, we discover that Jesus is the Divine Revealer, who reveals God as he also reveals our own hearts before him.

Each episode assumes about 1.5 to 2 hours together, for discussion in a group sized anywhere from 2 people up to 7 or 8. The booklet assumes weekly growth groups, and we’re assuming our people are committed to being in church every week. We’ve worked hard to align our Bible Talks in church with the questions in this booklet. To make the most of John’s gospel this term, we encourage you to do the following:

  • Before Church: Read each week’s Bible Reading, the day before church.
  • To Church: Take this booklet with you to church, using it to make notes.

After Church: Invest an hour or two by yourself sometime after church, working through the questions before your growth group meets during the week.

When we meet in Growth Groups, you’ll notice we’re using our 6 R’s model: Reflect, Read, Refresh, Research, Relationships and Respond. The most important of the 6 R’s are the last two: Relationships and Responding in prayer. Try to work through the first 4 R’s efficiently in your group time so that you can slow down, savour and really enjoy the last two together.

Your brothers in Christ
Reverends Joshua Rowe, Peter Evans, Brad Dewson, Andrew Purcell, David Bailey and Elders Nick Prins and David Coburn.

Sermons in this Series