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2023 Messages

Mission, Values, Vision

Mission, Values, Vision

Jul 2023 - Oct 2023

Series Introduction

The big picture task that Jesus has given his church. (All churches)

What is important to us here at Stanthorpe Presbyterian as we go about this task.

What we would like to work on in the next 3 years as we go about this task.

At the start of this year, we celebrated 150 years of our church being a gospel witness on the Granite Belt. At our 150th anniversary celebration, we heard our previous minister Rev Greg Fraser, who served us for over 20 years,

share the story of our church. We hear many stories of people serving Jesus, and of God’s faithful hand on this church family. We heard the amazing story of how a faithful few, post Church Union in 1976, purchase land, move buildings and even built a church manse on the land we now meet on at 14 Leslie Parade.

Last year, we all pitched in and undertook a major renovation of our church building, removing all the asbestos, renovating the toilets and kitchen, resheeting the walls and ceiling, painting and recarpeting. We have now expanded our seating to 100 and improved the usability of our hall for fellowship and ministry.

But what now?

We didn’t spend all that money and put all that effort in purely for our own comfort. We renovated because we believed it would help us grow and provide better facilities for our ministries.

So, what’s the next steps for us? How are we going to use these great facilities for the purpose they were built for? How can we be an even healthier and more sustainable church family?

On the 17th of July last year,v We did a workshop to start the process of identifying the values and vision of our church family. We discussed the ‘Lifecycle of a Church’, whether we might be in a

stage of growth or decline. We then discussed the ’10 Characteristics of a Healthy Church’. And finally, we discussed the ‘‘Why’ of church’, reading Ephesians 4:1-13; 17-24, Acts 2:42-47, Matthew 5:13-16, 28:18-20 and Philippians 2:12-16. We gathered everyone’s responses, based on those passages, and made this draft vision statement:

The crucified and risen Lord Jesus created the Stanthorpe Presbyterian Church to be a united family who worships God and to grow into spiritual maturity so that we can be a fellowship of supportive believers reaching our community.

Soon after doing this workshop, as directed by our Session and actioned by our Committee of Management, we all poured much of our time and energy into renovating our church building ready to move in by the end of the year. And we did it! We farewelled the SDA church building with much gratitude and had our first Sunday in our newly renovated buildings on 27th November 2022.

With that background, we now return to thinking about our mission, values and vision. Our elders often pray about where God might be leading us and the steps we need to take to seek God’s plans for us.

This sermon series is an opportunity for us to start praying together and to start by seeking from God’s word what it means to be his church. To ask what God might be calling us to be. To place ourselves under the lordship of Jesus as we seek how he wants us to live and grow as God’s family.

Your brother in Christ
Peter Evans (Rev)

Sermons in this Series
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 06
Duration: 26:38
Our Knowledge of God Shapes the Way we Live: Study 6 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 05
Passage: Acts 2:14-47
Duration: 37:08
The Church - Sharing a Life in Common: Study 5 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Why did Jesus create the Church?
The church family is to be one sharing a life devoted to teaching, fellowship, meals and prayer in response to the death and resurrection of Jesus, repentance and baptism into God’s family.

  1. A sermon that's all about Jesus (Acts 2:14-41)
  2. A community that's all about Jesus (Acts 2:41-47)
  • Acts 2:14-47
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 04
God's Pattern for His Church: Study 4 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Why did Jesus create the Church?
Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

  1. All Authority is given to Jesus
  2. Go ... make disciples, baptise, teach
  3. I am with you always
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 03
Duration: 31:31
God's Pattern for His Church: Study 3 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Why did Jesus create the Church?
  1. We are here to live as new creations; to live a life worthy of the calling we have received.
  2. Put off the old and put on the new
    • Put OffPut on
      LyingTruth Telling
      Unwholesome talkHelpful speech
      Malice, rage, anger ...Love
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 02
Duration: 34:16
God's Pattern for His Church: Study 2 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Why did Jesus create the Church?
  1. We are here to live a completely new life
    • A life worthy of our calling
    • A life completely filled with God
    • A life that is constantly seeking maturity in Jesus
  • Ephesians 4:1-24
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 01
The Church that Jesus Builds: Introductory message for the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
How does Jesus equip his church for ministry?
  1. Jesus gives the church people with gifts to equip it for ministry
    • to equip his church for ministry
    • the ministry of building each other up
    • to full maturity in Jesus
  • Ephesians 4:11-13
  • Daniel 1:7
  • 1 Corinthians 12:4-11