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2023 Messages

Seated in the Heavenly Realms

Seated in the Heavenly Realms

Jul 2022 - Sep 2022


The book of Genesis brings us right into the story of creation. It’s God’s epic of poetic and apocalyptic narrative in creation, life, and intention for all things to be in communion with Himself. In its pages we see the struggle of the human heart’s disobedience, the tragic consequences of sin, and the beginning of blessing as God makes divine covenants with His chosen people, through whom He will bless the nations: Abraham and his offspring – the beginning of the story of redemption.

There is often a lot imported into this book as we lean on the God given scientific advancements throughout history, but for this series, we want to recalibrate our minds to an ancient, “BC”, Hebrew cultural world view. This will mean that we’ll focus on the text before us with an inquisitive mindset, trying to understand the biblical view of Earth that was widely held prior to the 1972’s Apollo 17 ‘Blue Marble’ image.

We encourage you to take the time to sit down and read Genesis 1-12 in one sitting. Write down notes and questions as you go, highlighting repeated words, verses or passages that stand out to you. Look especially for repeated phrases and Biblical themes. Put yourself in the shoes of those that we are reading about. Ask yourself the why, where, what, and who questions as we make our way through this story and see how during our series these are answered each weekend at church or during a midweek bible study, as we look to see how God moves so purposefully in our lives.

As always, we’re excited to be on this journey with you as we grow together in our maturity and faith in the Lord Jesus by being in God’s Word together as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Troy Wilkins (Mackay Presbyterian)

Sermons in this Series