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2023 Messages

Single Messages

Single Messages

Dec 2017 - Jan 2025

A collection of messages presented between message series and on special occasions e.g. Winter and Summer breaks, Easter and Christmas.

Sermons in this Series
Planning: James 4, If the Lord Wills
Duration: 29:58
Planning: A talk from James 4 about making our plans "in the Lord's will".
  1. What they are saying (James 4:13)
  2. What they should be saying (James 4:15)
  • James 4:13-17
  • Acts 17:16-34
Wild News: Luke 1, Wild News,  Wild Response
Passage: Luke 1:26-45
Duration: 28:19
Wild News Requires a Wild Response: A Christmas message from Luke 1.
  1. The Wild News: The annunciation of Christ (Luke 1:26-38)
  2. The Wild Response: Elizabeth and her Baby, the Visit (Luke 1:39-45)
  3. The Conclusion: We are forever Blessed because we Believe
  • Luke 1:26-45
A New Hope: Luke 1, A Real and Certain Hope
Passage: Luke 1:1-25
Duration: 29:38
A New Hope: Luke 1:1-25
Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.
  1. A Real and Certain Hope for a Doubtful Disciple (Luke 1:1-4)
  2. An Unlikely Couple and an Unlikely Hope (Luke 1:5-12)
  3. The Promised Messenger Proclaiming the Promised Hope (Luke 1:13-25)
  • Luke 1:1-25
The Good Shepherd: John 10
Passage: John 10:1-21
Duration: 23:54
The Good Shepherd: A Message about hearing Jesus, the Good Shepherd of His Flock, from John 10.
Which voices in this busy world are you listening to?
  1. The Sheep Pen (John 10:1-6)
  2. The Gate (John 10:7-13)
  3. The Good Shepherd (John 10:14-21)
  • John 10:1-21
Revival: Psalm 85
Passage: Psalm 85:1-13
Duration: 28:06
Revival: Psalm 85, A Psalm of Revival
  1. God's Restoration - Past (Psalm 85:1-3)
  2. God's Restoration - Present (Psalm 85:4-7)
  3. Determination - Reject Folly (Psalm 85:8-9)
  4. Nation Restored (Psalm 85:10-13)
Tale of Two Cities: Luke 7
Duration: 34:43
Tale of Two Cities (Capernaum and Nain): A message about God's Salvation through Jesus
  1. Capernaum: Salvation Not of Works (Luke 7:1-10)
    • Centurion sent Elders
    • Centurion sent Friends
    • Centurion sent Word-of-Recognition
  2. Nain: Salvation All of Grace (Luke 7:11-17)
    • The Crowd Doubles
    • The Crowd are Amazed
    • The Crowd gives Word-of-Recognition
Church Measurement: Philemon
Duration: 43:51
The Church - Church Metrics: A message at the family camp by Rev Dave Thurston from the letter to Philemon and other Bible passages about the church.
Learning that you are Loved
Duration: 40:42
Learning that you are Loved A message at the family camp by Rev Dave Thurston from Ephesians and other Bible passages about the overflowing love of God, our Heavenly Father, for each of us.
Desires: James 4
Duration: 35:13
Desires: A message from James 4:1-10
We can have desires for good or evil.
They can lead us to love the world and its pleasures, rejecting Jesus. They can result in violent and harmful acts. They can destroy the life and witness of a believer and others. They can dishonour Jesus the one and only Saviour of sinners.
Our desires should be to honour Jesus: ourselves and for others to do so too.
  1. Unsatisfactory Desires (James 4:1)
  2. Unfulfilled Desires (James 4:2-6)
  3. Restoration (James 4:7-10)
Stories, What is Necessary: Luke 23
Duration: 25:12
A message about Stories and their Endings from Luke 23.
The story of the thief on the cross is a self-contained complete rendition of what everyone needs to do upon encountering Jesus.
  1. Recognition of our moral state
  2. Acknowledgment that Jesus was morally perfect and we are far from being perfect
  3. Recognition that Jesus is heaven's King
  4. Beg that Jesus "remembers " us
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