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2023 Messages

Messages with tag - Jesus

Wild News: Luke 1, Wild News,  Wild Response
Passage: Luke 1:26-45
Duration: 28:19
Wild News Requires a Wild Response: A Christmas message from Luke 1.
  1. The Wild News: The annunciation of Christ (Luke 1:26-38)
  2. The Wild Response: Elizabeth and her Baby, the Visit (Luke 1:39-45)
  3. The Conclusion: We are forever Blessed because we Believe
  • Luke 1:26-45
The Good Shepherd: John 10
Passage: John 10:1-21
Duration: 23:54
The Good Shepherd: A Message about hearing Jesus, the Good Shepherd of His Flock, from John 10.
Which voices in this busy world are you listening to?
  1. The Sheep Pen (John 10:1-6)
  2. The Gate (John 10:7-13)
  3. The Good Shepherd (John 10:14-21)
  • John 10:1-21
Believe: Romans 9 & 10, Study 17
Series: Romans
Duration: 43:29
Believe: Romans 9&10, Study 17 (Term 2, Talk 8)
From the series "Right Through Christ", studies of the New Testament book of Romans written by the apostle Paul.
In the gospel, God holds out his hands to offer salvation to everyone who believes in Jesus, rather than relying on their own righteousness.
  1. God's Rock(Romans 9:30-10:3)
  2. God's Salvation(Romans 10:4-13)
  3. God's Mission(Romans 10:14-21)
  • Deuteronomy 30:1-20
  • Romans 9:30-10:21
  • Psalm 19:1-14
  • John 12:37-43