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2024 Messages

Revelation 1:1-7
Duration: 19:48

A bible message from the NT book of Revelation


  1. Jesus is Victorious
  2. Satan will be Defeated
  3. Jesus will overcome all evil
The Place We Find God: Exodus, Study 12
Series: Exodus
Duration: 35:07

The Place We Find God: Study 12 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

As Exodus closes, the journey home for God’s people has only just begun with God insisting that no matter where his people are, he will be with them.

The Tabernacle is:

  1. The Place God dwells by his Spirit
  2. The Place we learn how to approach God
  3. The Place we meet God
  4. The Place we worship God
  5. The Place our sins against God are removed: Through sacrifice, and atonement
  6. The Place we go to learn how to be loved by God
  7. The Place we learn to love God
God's Dangerous Deliverer: Exodus, Study 11
Series: Exodus
Duration: 41:52

God's Dangerous Deliverer: Study 11 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

Despite Israel's evil rebellion, Moses intercedes on behalf of God's people to remind God of who God is.

  1. Exodus 32:1 - 34:9
Living In God's Love: Exodus, Study 10
Series: Exodus
Duration: 36:54

Living in God's Love: Study 10 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

As God’s chosen people, we enjoy our special relationship by celebrating his deliverance and holy love by joining him in a day of rest.

  1. Mark 2:23-27
  2. Exodus 23:10-19
  3. Exodus 31:12-18
  4. Exodus 35:1-3
Living Out God’s Love: Exodus, Study 09
Series: Exodus
Duration: 33:23

Living Out God’s Love: Study 09 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

As God’s delivered people, living his way means learning to be loved by Him and learning to love like Him.


  1. Exodus 20:1-23
  2. Exodus 23:1-9
The Shape of God's Heart: Exodus, Study 08
Series: Exodus
Duration: 41:40

The Shape of God's Heart: Study 08 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

Having revealed himself to his people, the Lord now reveals the shape of his heart: here’s how to live.

Learning to be Still: Exodus, Study 07
Series: Exodus
Duration: 34:36

Learning to be Still: Study 07 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

Despite God’s continued presence and provision for his people, Israel continues to groan and grumble about their present circumstances because they don’t know how to live in freedom.

God's Way Out: Exodus, Study 06
Series: Exodus
Duration: 36:50

God's Way Out: Study 06 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

Despite their misplaced fears, God delivers his people out of slavery in Egypt to honour, reverence, and to trust him.


  1. God's Plan (Exodus 12:1-13:22)
  2. God's Power (Exodus 14:1-31)
  3. God's Praise (Exodus 15:1-23)
Blood & Deliverance: Exodus, Study 05
Series: Exodus
Duration: 32:38

Blood & Deliverance: Exodus: Study 05 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

The blood of the Lamb is what distinguishes the sons of God delivering them from death and God’s just judgement on Egypt’s sons.


  1. Death of the Firstborn (Exodus 4:22-23)
  2. Unblemished Male Lamb (Exodus 12:3,5)
  3. Blood Covering (Exodus 12:7, 22,23)
  4. Eating Sacrificial Meat (Exodus 12:11)
  5. Unleavened Bread & Bitter Herbs (Exodus 12:14-16)
The Battle of the Gods: Exodus, Study 04
Series: Exodus
Duration: 29:16

The Battle of the Gods: Study 04 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

Pharaoh’s reluctance to let God’s people go, hardens the battle lines: the gods of Egypt vs the God who will deliver on his promises.


  1. Drawing Battle Lines (Exodus 7:1-13)
  2. Battle of the Gods (Chapters 7 - 10)
  3. The Last Battle? (Exodus 11:1-10)
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