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2024 Messages

Single Messages

Single Messages

Dec 2017 - Jan 2025

A collection of messages presented between message series and on special occasions e.g. Winter and Summer breaks, Easter and Christmas.

Sermons in this Series
Revelation 1:1-7
Duration: 19:48

A bible message from the NT book of Revelation


  1. Jesus is Victorious
  2. Satan will be Defeated
  3. Jesus will overcome all evil
Soldier of Jesus Christ: 2 Timothy 2
Duration: 31:20

Soldier of Jesus Christ: An appeal to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ from the Apostle Paul's letter to Titus.
How can we keep going as a good soldier?


  1. Strength by Grace
  2. Entrust the Gospel
  3. Share the Sufferings
  4. Remember Jesus Christ


  • 2 Timothy 2:1-13
  • Matthew 16:21-28
The Return of Christ: James 5
Duration: 27:09
The Return of Christ: A message about the return of Jesus the Christ from James.
Psalm 122 - Worship
Duration: 26:07

Worship: Six components in worship of the great and loving Heavenly Father as seen in Psalm 122.

  1. Let's GO
  2. Let's STAND
  3. Let's LOOK
  4. Let's PRAISE
  5. Let's WORSHIP
  6. Let's PRAY
  • Psalm 122:1-9
  • Revelation 21:1-7
  • Hebrews 10:19-25
Power to Forgive: Philemon 1
Duration: 33:13
Power to Forgive in the Gospel: A message regarding forgiveness as demonstrated in the appeal to Philemon for Onesimus.

The gospel empowers us to forgive those who have wronged us, in love, in order to reconcile and restore unity of believers

Times are Changing: Psalm 137
Duration: 38:36
Times are Changing: A message from Psalm 137.


  1. The world has changed, Church isolated
  2. How do we live in a changed world
  3. God's Word has not changed
Be Patient: James 5
Duration: 29:19
Be Patient: A message about being patient as James presents the subject to us.
  1. Patience
  2. In what circumstances are we to be patient?
    1. When situations out of our control
    2. When continuing appears pointless
    3. When circumstances are unexplainable
Easter Sunday: Luke 23, Two Responses
Passage: Luke 23:13-43
Duration: 22:31
Easter Sunday: A message from Luke 23:13-43. Two criminals were executed with Jesus and this talk is about their responses to Jesus and to the situation they were in.
God Delights in Prayer: Psalm 5
Duration: 26:07
God Delights in Prayer: A message from Psalm 5
  1. God has Big Shoulders (Psalm 5:1-3)
  2. God Loves Justice (Psalm 5:4-10)
  3. We can pray with Joy (Psalm 5:11-12)
Our Total Inability: Ephesians 2
Duration: 23:33
Our Total Inability, but God's Ability: Ephesians 2
Where are you going when you die?
  1. Romans 9:6-16
  2. Ephesians 2:1-10
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