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2024 Messages

Messages with tag - Revelation

Revelation 1:1-7
Duration: 19:48

A bible message from the NT book of Revelation


  1. Jesus is Victorious
  2. Satan will be Defeated
  3. Jesus will overcome all evil
The Shape of God's Heart: Exodus, Study 08
Series: Exodus
Duration: 41:40

The Shape of God's Heart: Study 08 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant.

Having revealed himself to his people, the Lord now reveals the shape of his heart: here’s how to live.

Revelation & Reluctance: Exodus, Study 03
Series: Exodus
Duration: 39:48

Revelation & Reluctance: Study 03 in a series on the book of Exodus, a story of Redemption and Covenant

God reveals his divine name to Moses and his plan for deliverance but everyone is reluctant, for different reasons.


  1. God's Revelation (Exodus 3:1-12)
  2. Moses' Reluctance (Exodus 4:1-17)
  3. People's Resistance (Exodus 5:1-7:7)
The New Creation: Revelation 21,22
The New Creation: Study 10 in the series "Three Trees: The story of the whole Bible" in 10 studies.

With the enemies of God now destroyed, God is making all things new, He will dwell with His people forever. What do you think heaven will be like?

We started the story of the whole Bible in a garden, but this story ends in a City. We started with two people, but end with a multitude. We started with God dwelling with his people, but we finish with people dwelling with their God. We started with two trees in Eden, but we ate of the tree that brought us death.

That wrong choice meant we needed another tree at Calvary. So now there is only one tree left remaining - the Tree of Life.

God has dealt with the problem of our sin and the curse of death. We’ve now come full circle. We are back to the start again, only this time it’s different. The end of the story is like the beginning, only it has a different outcome: God makes all things new! God’s faithfulness to all his promises to Abraham and David are now fulfilled in Jesus. Death is conquered, rest from our enemies is secured, and now nothing in all creation can separate God’s people from his love in the new Creation.