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2024 Messages

Messages with tag - Jesus

Revelation 1:1-7
Duration: 19:48

A bible message from the NT book of Revelation


  1. Jesus is Victorious
  2. Satan will be Defeated
  3. Jesus will overcome all evil
The Return of Christ: James 5
Duration: 27:09
The Return of Christ: A message about the return of Jesus the Christ from James.
Dangerous Calling: Matthew 04, Dangerous Promises

Dangerous Calling: Study 09 in Part 1 (Dangerous Promises), a 7-part series planned for the gospel of Matthew

Jesus begins to gather people into his new kingdom, restoring exiles, preaching the good news that those who follow him can have new life.

  1. The Dangerous Call (Matthew 3:18-22)
  2. Overwhelming Evidence (Matthew 4:23-25)
  3. Our Response
  • Matthew 4:12-25
  • Genesis 12:1-3
  • Isaiah 61:1-3a
  • Matthew 4:19
Jesus, The Death of The King: Galatians 3, Study 08
Jesus, The Death of The King: Study 07 in the series "Three Trees: The story of the whole Bible" in 10 studies.

What role does the Old Testament Law have, in the life of a Christian?

So far, the story of the whole Bible has been a story of great promise in search of fulfillment. A God who makes promises to a people who break them. Right from the beginning, our human problem is sin. Sin brings death and separation (exile) from God. But so far no one has obeyed God! No-one has dealt with our sin problem.
Up until now everyone has shown themselves to be a sinner, not a Saviour.
God’s promise of a King and Saviour who deals with sin is fulfilled in the birth of a baby boy at Bethlehem (the town of David). But in another act of repeated history, God’s people reject Jesus as their King - and crucify him.
Was the death of Jesus the Messiah all in vain?


  • Galatians 3:1-18
  • Genesis 17:1-8
  • Romans 8:1-4
  • Romans 8:31-39