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Recorded Messages

AUDIO messages on this site are freely available for your benefit and enjoyment, so that you might grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

VIDEO recordings of services are available on YouTube on the Stanthorpe Presbyterian Church YouTube channel (Opens a new window or tab). These service videos include the messages given.

AUDIO messages on this site are freely available.

VIDEO recordings are available on the Stanthorpe Presbyterian Church YouTube channel (Opens a new window or tab).

Message List

Our Total Inability: Ephesians 2
Duration: 23:33
Our Total Inability, but God's Ability: Ephesians 2
Where are you going when you die?
  1. Romans 9:6-16
  2. Ephesians 2:1-10
Habakkuk: The Prophecy of Habakkuk
Duration: 29:29
Habakkuk: A message from the Prophecy of Habakkuk
Planning: James 4, If the Lord Wills
Duration: 29:58
Planning: A talk from James 4 about making our plans "in the Lord's will".
  1. What they are saying (James 4:13)
  2. What they should be saying (James 4:15)
  • James 4:13-17
  • Acts 17:16-34
Wild News: Luke 1, Wild News,  Wild Response
Passage: Luke 1:26-45
Duration: 28:19
Wild News Requires a Wild Response: A Christmas message from Luke 1.
  1. The Wild News: The annunciation of Christ (Luke 1:26-38)
  2. The Wild Response: Elizabeth and her Baby, the Visit (Luke 1:39-45)
  3. The Conclusion: We are forever Blessed because we Believe
  • Luke 1:26-45
A New Hope: Luke 1, A Real and Certain Hope
Passage: Luke 1:1-25
Duration: 29:38
A New Hope: Luke 1:1-25
Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.
  1. A Real and Certain Hope for a Doubtful Disciple (Luke 1:1-4)
  2. An Unlikely Couple and an Unlikely Hope (Luke 1:5-12)
  3. The Promised Messenger Proclaiming the Promised Hope (Luke 1:13-25)
  • Luke 1:1-25
The Good Shepherd: John 10
Passage: John 10:1-21
Duration: 23:54
The Good Shepherd: A Message about hearing Jesus, the Good Shepherd of His Flock, from John 10.
Which voices in this busy world are you listening to?
  1. The Sheep Pen (John 10:1-6)
  2. The Gate (John 10:7-13)
  3. The Good Shepherd (John 10:14-21)
  • John 10:1-21
Grafted: Romans 11, Study 18
Series: Romans
Duration: 39:11
Grafted: Romans 11, Study 18 (Term 2, Talk 9)
From the series "Right Through Christ", studies of the New Testament book of Romans written by the apostle Paul.
God has not rejected Israel, nor have they stumbled beyond recovery, so as Gentiles grafted in, we must consider his sternness, continue in his kindness, and praise him for his rich mercy.
  1. A Chosen Remnant (Romans 11:1-10)
  2. God's Master-plan (Romans 11:11-15)
  3. Natural & Grafted Branches (Romans 11:16-24)
  4. Future Mercy (Romans 11:25-32)
  5. Worship (Romans 11:33-36)
  • Romans 11:1-36
  • Psalm 126
  • 1 Kings 19:1-18
  • Matthew 8:5-13
Believe: Romans 9 & 10, Study 17
Series: Romans
Duration: 43:29
Believe: Romans 9&10, Study 17 (Term 2, Talk 8)
From the series "Right Through Christ", studies of the New Testament book of Romans written by the apostle Paul.
In the gospel, God holds out his hands to offer salvation to everyone who believes in Jesus, rather than relying on their own righteousness.
  1. God's Rock(Romans 9:30-10:3)
  2. God's Salvation(Romans 10:4-13)
  3. God's Mission(Romans 10:14-21)
  • Deuteronomy 30:1-20
  • Romans 9:30-10:21
  • Psalm 19:1-14
  • John 12:37-43
Chosen: Romans 9, Study 16
Series: Romans
Duration: 42:24
Chosen: Romans 9, Study 16 (Term 2, Talk 7)
From the series "Right Through Christ", studies of the New Testament book of Romans written by the apostle Paul.
God’s promises to Israel have not failed, nor is he unjust, because salvation depends on God showing mercy.
  1. Longing (Romans 9:1-5)
  2. Gratitude (Romans 9:6-16)
  3. Humility (Romans 9:17-21)
  4. Confidence (Romans 9:22-29)
  • Psalm 106
  • Genesis 25:19-34
  • Romans 9
  • John 6:37
Hope: Romans 8, Study 15
Series: Romans
Duration: 47:31
Hope: Romans 8, Study 15 (Term 2, Talk 6)
From the series "Right Through Christ", studies of the New Testament book of Romans written by the apostle Paul.
As we groan in our present suffering, those who are called according to God’s purpose, hope in glory, assured that nothing will separate us from his love.
  1. Suffering in Hope (Romans 8:18-27)
  2. Being Conformed in Hope (Romans 8:28-30)
  3. Loved in Hope (Romans 8:31-39)
  • Romans 8:16-39
  • Psalm 42
  • Isaiah 65:17-25
  • Matthew 5:3-12
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