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2023 Messages

Messages with tag - Church

Church Measurement: Philemon
Duration: 43:51
The Church - Church Metrics: A message at the family camp by Rev Dave Thurston from the letter to Philemon and other Bible passages about the church.
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 05
Passage: Acts 2:14-47
Duration: 37:08
The Church - Sharing a Life in Common: Study 5 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Why did Jesus create the Church?
The church family is to be one sharing a life devoted to teaching, fellowship, meals and prayer in response to the death and resurrection of Jesus, repentance and baptism into God’s family.

  1. A sermon that's all about Jesus (Acts 2:14-41)
  2. A community that's all about Jesus (Acts 2:41-47)
  • Acts 2:14-47
Desires: James 4
Duration: 35:13
Desires: A message from James 4:1-10
We can have desires for good or evil.
They can lead us to love the world and its pleasures, rejecting Jesus. They can result in violent and harmful acts. They can destroy the life and witness of a believer and others. They can dishonour Jesus the one and only Saviour of sinners.
Our desires should be to honour Jesus: ourselves and for others to do so too.
  1. Unsatisfactory Desires (James 4:1)
  2. Unfulfilled Desires (James 4:2-6)
  3. Restoration (James 4:7-10)
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 03
Duration: 31:31
God's Pattern for His Church: Study 3 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Why did Jesus create the Church?
  1. We are here to live as new creations; to live a life worthy of the calling we have received.
  2. Put off the old and put on the new
    • Put OffPut on
      LyingTruth Telling
      Unwholesome talkHelpful speech
      Malice, rage, anger ...Love
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 02
Duration: 34:16
God's Pattern for His Church: Study 2 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Why did Jesus create the Church?
  1. We are here to live a completely new life
    • A life worthy of our calling
    • A life completely filled with God
    • A life that is constantly seeking maturity in Jesus
  • Ephesians 4:1-24
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 01
The Church that Jesus Builds: Introductory message for the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
How does Jesus equip his church for ministry?
  1. Jesus gives the church people with gifts to equip it for ministry
    • to equip his church for ministry
    • the ministry of building each other up
    • to full maturity in Jesus
  • Ephesians 4:11-13
  • Daniel 1:7
  • 1 Corinthians 12:4-11