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2023 Messages

Rev. Peter Evans

Rev. Peter Evans

Role: Minister
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Reign: Romans 05, Study 10
Series: Romans
Duration: 42:01
Reign: Romans 5, Study 10 (Term 2, Talk 1)
From the series "Right Through Christ", studies of the New Testament book of Romans written by the apostle Paul.
Through Adam’s disobedience death reigned over all, but through Jesus’ obedience, all who receive his gift reign in life.
  1. Reign of Death (Romans 5:12-14)
  2. Reign of the Living (Romans 5:15-19)
  3. Reigned Over, or Reigning? (Romans 5:20-21)
  • Romans 5:9-21
  • Psalm 2:1-12
  • Genesis 3:1-24
  • Matthew 7:13-14
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 06
Duration: 26:38
Our Knowledge of God Shapes the Way we Live: Study 6 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Revival: Psalm 85
Passage: Psalm 85:1-13
Duration: 28:06
Revival: Psalm 85, A Psalm of Revival
  1. God's Restoration - Past (Psalm 85:1-3)
  2. God's Restoration - Present (Psalm 85:4-7)
  3. Determination - Reject Folly (Psalm 85:8-9)
  4. Nation Restored (Psalm 85:10-13)
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 05
Passage: Acts 2:14-47
Duration: 37:08
The Church - Sharing a Life in Common: Study 5 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Why did Jesus create the Church?
The church family is to be one sharing a life devoted to teaching, fellowship, meals and prayer in response to the death and resurrection of Jesus, repentance and baptism into God’s family.

  1. A sermon that's all about Jesus (Acts 2:14-41)
  2. A community that's all about Jesus (Acts 2:41-47)
  • Acts 2:14-47
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 03
Duration: 31:31
God's Pattern for His Church: Study 3 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Why did Jesus create the Church?
  1. We are here to live as new creations; to live a life worthy of the calling we have received.
  2. Put off the old and put on the new
    • Put OffPut on
      LyingTruth Telling
      Unwholesome talkHelpful speech
      Malice, rage, anger ...Love
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 02
Duration: 34:16
God's Pattern for His Church: Study 2 in the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
Why did Jesus create the Church?
  1. We are here to live a completely new life
    • A life worthy of our calling
    • A life completely filled with God
    • A life that is constantly seeking maturity in Jesus
  • Ephesians 4:1-24
Mission, Values & Vision: Study 01
The Church that Jesus Builds: Introductory message for the short series about Mission, Values, and Vision for the SPC church
How does Jesus equip his church for ministry?
  1. Jesus gives the church people with gifts to equip it for ministry
    • to equip his church for ministry
    • the ministry of building each other up
    • to full maturity in Jesus
  • Ephesians 4:11-13
  • Daniel 1:7
  • 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
Saved: Romans 05, Study 09
Series: Romans
Duration: 33:28
Saved: Romans 5, Study 9 (Term 1, Talk 9)
From the series "Right Through Christ", studies of the New Testament book of Romans written by the apostle Paul.
God demonstrates the greatness of his love through Jesus’ death for his enemies, reconciling us to Him and guaranteeing our future salvation.
  1. Saved
  • Romans 5:1-11
  • Psalm 98:1-9
  • Jonah 3:1-10
  • Luke 23:32-43
Loved: Romans 05, Study 08
Series: Romans
Duration: 35:11
Loved: Romans 5, Study 8 (Term 1, Talk 8)
From the series "Right Through Christ", studies of the New Testament book of Romans written by the apostle Paul.
Through Jesus, we are loved by God and enjoy His peace, grace, hope and Spirit. We can wonder at being loved by God who has justified us by faith in Christ.
  1. Justification Through Faith (Romans 5:1-2)
    • Peace
    • Grace
    • Hope
  2. Developing Through Suffering (Romans 5:3-4)
    • Perseverance
    • Character
    • Hope Without Shame
  3. God's Love Poured Out on Us (Romans 5:5)
  • Romans 5:1-11
  • Psalm 23
  • Numbers 6:22-27
  • Luke 3:21-22
Promised: Romans 7, Study 07
Series: Romans
Duration: 42:03
Promised: Romans 7, Study 7 (Term 1, Talk 7)
From the series "Right Through Christ", studies of the New Testament book of Romans written by the apostle Paul.
The God who gives life to the dead will credit righteousness to all who believe God’s promises, not counting our sins against us.
  1. Always by Faith using Examples (Rom 4:1-8)
    1. Old Man
    2. Working Man
    3. Sinful Man
  2. All Who Believe, by Faith (Rom 4:9-15)
  3. Also for Us, by Faith! (Rom 4:16-25)
  • Romans 4:1-25
  • Genesis 12:1-4
  • Genesis 15:1-6
  • Psalm 32:1-11
  • Matthew 8:5-13
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