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Message List

Three Trees: The story of the Bible

Three Trees: The story of the Bible

Apr 2024 - May 2024

THREE TREES: the story of the whole Bible

Reading the Bible can be a rather daunting exercise. It is a big book! It is also an old, religious, holy book. It is the world’s best-selling book and the most widely distributed book in the world. The Bible has been translated into almost as many languages as there are languages, and, according to The Bible Society’s estimation, over five billion copies of the Bible have been printed. The Bible itself comprises sixty-six different books written by multiple authors, to various audiences, spanning thousands of years. These books were originally penned in Hebrew, Aramaic, or Koine Greek and then translated into our native tongues.

Despite the complexity of these facts about the Bible, is it too simplistic to suggest that the Bible has one overall message? That the Bible has one dominant narrative? That it is really one book made up of many stories - that all tell just one story?

Questions about how to interpret the Bible abound. As modern readers of the Bible and, therefore, as interpreters of the Bible, many of the historical events the Bible records within its pages are not familiar to us, neither are the places where these events occurred, the people, or even their cultures and customs. There is so much to the Bible that appears strange. But even bigger interpretation problems arise for modern readers of the Bible when we actually start reading it!

  • How did God make the World?
  • Why does God allow people in the Old Testament to be slaughtered?
  • What is the significance of the Old Testament law for Christians?
  • Is the God of the Old Testament the same as the God of the New Testament?
  • How does Jesus fulfill the Old Testament?
  • What’s all of this got to do with me?

For the next 10 weeks, we are going to cover the whole of the Bible, in our series called 3 Trees: the story of the whole bible. In just ten weeks, which is even less than some weight loss programs, we are not going to cover the entire story of the Bible. But we are going to cover the story of the entire Bible. A story that begins with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Creation), which takes us to the Tree of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem (Jesus Christ) and ends with the Tree of Life in the New Jerusalem (New Creation).

Of course, in only ten weeks we might not get to your favourite story in the Bible and you might be surprised by the stories that we’ve left out. That’s not to say these stories aren’t important, but what we will see in these next ten weeks is that the Bible is one story.

For this series, in church, you’ll need your Bible. And to make the most of Growth Groups - as always - you’ll need your Bible. If you don't yet have a Bible, please let us gift you one. If you do have a Bible, please bring it. This series is all about the Bible, because the Bible tells God’s Big Story. But it also gives shape to your story. And ours. And the story of our churches. So in this series we’ll be doing our best to see how our shared life stories are included in God’s Big Story in the Bible.

In 2022, we did a series called ‘Big Words for the Church God Loves’ to prepare us for a long stretch in Romans. Those big words we learnt then, prepared us for Paul’s biggest letter straight afterwards. We’re doing similar prep work with this series: our ‘Story of the Whole Bible’ will prepare us for a big few years in the story of the whole Bible!

We’re doing this series now due to the place we find ourselves, as church families. We’re all at a hinge point in our preaching and teaching - in our learning from Jesus. In each of our churches (Stanthorpe, Mackay and Warwick) we are about to embark on a 7-part series in Matthew’s gospel. This will take years. However, because Matthew is the first book in the New Testament, the longest gospel, and so richly draws on the Old Testament, we won’t be going through it over those 7 parts consecutively. We’ll be breaking it up, by also journeying through the first 5 books of the Old Testament. We’re hoping these two teaching threads will work together, in tandem, or like hand in glove.

Because we’ve already learnt from Genesis in our ‘God’s Dysfunctional Family’ series, we’ll be pushing on through Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy - all 5 books of what the Jews called ‘The books of Moses’, and what Jesus called ‘The Law’.

So we’ll work through it like this: after this series, we’ll start term 3 in Matthew, followed by a series in Exodus in term 4. Then next year we’ll do a big stretch in Matthew, followed by Numbers, and so on for the next few years. Of course, we will have some other terms interspersed in there, ensuring we include some doctrine and topical series in our healthy diet of learning from Jesus, in the Bible.

So - that’s why we’re so keen to step back now, and get the big picture, by seeing the whole Bible as one big story: So that when we’re deep in some strange forest of the Bible, we can still see the forest for the trees!

Sermons in this Series
Solomon, A Royal Failure: 1 Kings 10, Study 05
King Solomon, A Royal Failure: Study 05 in the series "Three Trees: The story of the whole Bible" in 10 studies.
With God’s promises to David in 2 Samuel 7, that a son of David would reign over God’s people as King forever and that David’s son would be the Son of God who built the temple, all eyes and expectations are now focused firmly on David’s son - King Solomon. If Solomon gets it right, all of God’s promises will be fulfilled!
  • 1 Kings 4:29-34
  • 1 Kings 3:1-4
  • 1 Kings 10:14-29
  • 1 Kings 11:1-8, 12-13
  • Compare Genesis 3:7 and 1 Kings 11:9-11
  • Deuteronomy 17:14-17
  • Matthew 6:19-34
  • 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
David, King of God’s People: 2 Samuel 7, Study 04
Abraham and the Promise: Study 4 in the series "Three Trees: The story of the whole Bible" in 10 studies.

Have you ever made plans, only to have God change them completely?
King David had a plan to build a temple for the Lord God, but God had other plans.

In the movement towards fulfilment, God’s promises to David now repeat God’s promises to Abraham - but they also advance them in more detail. God promises King David that his Son would be the Son of God. The Son of David will build the Temple and will reign as God’s King forever over God’s people.

Abraham and the Promise: Genesis 12, 15, Study 03
Abraham and the Promise: Study 3 in the series "Three Trees: The story of the whole Bible" in 10 studies.
When do you find it hardest to trust God? Are there certain times or seasons or events in your life where it has been hard to trust God?

We often read one story in the Bible that reminds us of elements in another story in the Bible. That’s what we are starting to see here in God’s promises to Abraham. The promises of blessing in Eden are now being repeated - and progressed. The Bible is a book that often repeats itself by establishing a pattern, and then repeating it, to advance the story towards fulfilment (Promise & Fulfilment).

For now the Scriptures tell us that Abram ‘believed God’s promises and it was credited to him as righteousness’, and that Abraham’s faith is how we need to respond to God’s promises to us in Jesus.

The Fall: Genesis 3, Study 02
The Fall: Study 2 in the series "Three Trees: The story of the whole Bible" in 10 studies.

The story of the fall unravels all that is good and very good in God’s World. God’s Word has not only been distorted but now disobeyed. Order has been thrown into chaos. One tree in Eden has been selected over the other. Life was on offer in Eden but humankind chose death. In eating of the forbidden tree, intimate relationships are exchanged for exploding ones. ‘Unashamed and naked’ now turns to exposure, shame and blame. And this new pattern of sin and self-justification and blame is not only repeated down through the story of the whole Bible but repeated daily the whole world over.

Sin is the unlawful exchange of our rightful place in God’s World. Sin takes what is not ours, believing it will elevate us, but only leaves us deflated. Sin promises so much but only delivers guilt and shame.

God the Maker & King: Genesis 1-2, Study 01
God the Maker & King: Study 1 in the series "Three Trees: The story of the whole Bible" in 10 studies.>

In wanting to understand the story of the whole Bible, the best place to start is… In the Beginning.

In the creation record, we notice the following pattern in Genesis 1:1-2:3.
• And God said: Let there be…
• God called…
• And it was so…
• And God saw that it was good…
• And there was evening and there was morning, the …. day.

In Genesis 1-2 we’ve already discovered our first two trees; the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 1:31 says God looks at his world and says it’s very good… but how would you describe the world you look at and live in?