A message from 2 Peter 1: Spiritual Addition
A Message from Romans 14 - Romans 15:6
Things to Remember
A Message from Romans 14 - Romans 15:6
Debatable Issues
A message from Mark 8: Food, Faith and Pharisees
1. Missing the warning. ( Mark 8:16-17)
2. Distractions from the truth (Mark 8:17-18)
3. The point of the warning ( Mark 8:15, Luke 12:1, Matthew 16:12)
4. Heeding the warning, staying true to the gospel
A message from Exodus 33, Joshua's 4th Lesson - God's Personal Presence
- God's Glorious Presence, the Cloud - verse 9
- God's Great Guidance, verse 7
- God's Gracious Friendship, verse 11
- God's Glory & Goodness - God's Covenant Keeping Name and Nature, verses 17-19
A message from Luke 16
1. Your money talks
2. If you can't be trusted with little things, who will trust you with big things
3. You can't serve two masters
A message from Ephesians 4:11-13
Building a local church
A message from Romans 13:8-10
A Sermon from Exodus 32: Joshua's Preparation - Golden Calf Lessons
Sin is deadly serious
- Sound of war v17
- Sound of singing v18
- Serious anger v19
- Severe judgement - severance v27,35
- Supplication & solution v31,32
- Servant Saviour severed - Isaiah 53:8 (cut off)
- Search me Psalm 139:23-24; 2Corinthians 13:5-6
A Sermon based on multiple scriptures
where people are identified by either
number or name.