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Recorded Messages

AUDIO messages on this site are freely available for your benefit and enjoyment, so that you might grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

VIDEO recordings of services are available on YouTube on the Stanthorpe Presbyterian Church YouTube channel. These service videos include the messages given.

AUDIO messages on this site are freely available.

VIDEO recordings are available on the Stanthorpe Presbyterian Church YouTube channel.

Message List

Who can resist God?
Passage: John 6:26-51
Duration: 19:00
A message from John 6: Who can resist God?
a) We were dead towards God (Eph 2:1)
b) God's choice of who to save is His business (John 15:16)
c) Jesus' death on the cross paid our release fee (Eph 2:13)
d) God-the almighty fisherman (Rom 9:19-24)
Boots made for walking
Duration: 42:39
A message from Ephesians 6 and Deuteronomy 29
These boot are made for walking
Old has gone, New has come
Passage: John 9:1-12
Duration: 29:58
A messages from John 9: The old has gone, the new has come.
Nahum 1
Duration: 36:45
A Sermon from Nahum 1: Wrath Restrained, Wrath Reserved
Romans 12:12c
Duration: 27:35
A sermon from Romans 12:12: Faithful in Prayer
1. Why Pray?
2. Faithful or Persistent
.. 1. Dependence/Submission
.. 2. Constantly/Frequently
.. 3. Not giving up
John 9
Passage: John 9:1-41
Duration: 27:20
A Sermon from John 9: Out of Darkness
1. Miracle 1: Jesus gives physical sight to a man born blind
2. Miracle 2: Jesus opens the eyes of the heart of the man
Jonah Part 2
Duration: 44:29
A Sermon from Jonah 3 and 4
Jonah and the God of the Second Chance
Romans 12:12.2
Duration: 28:55
A Sermon from Romans 12:12: Thoughts on Suffering
1. Why discuss Suffering
2. Some causes of Suffering
3. Perseverance in Suffering
Psalm 150
Series: Psalms
Duration: 25:52
A Sermon from Psalm 150: The Great Dance
1 - Where - are we to Praise the Lord? v.1
2 - Why - are we to Praise the Lord? v.2
3 - With what - are we to Praise the Lord vv.3-5
4 - Who - should Praise the Lord? v.6
Missionary ReEntry Preparation
Duration: 34:43
A Talk on Missionary ReEntry Preparation by Jay Knight (SIM Representative)
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